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VA Linux Systems SourceForge


A cross-platform data modeling solution for Perl

DBSchema's current goals are:
  • Provide an object model for representing a database entity relationship
  • Provide the ability to import entity relationships from a variety of RDBMS into the object model
  • Provide a means of persisting the entity relationship to XML or converting it to another RDBMS format

DBSchema is currently in the very early stages of development. We're still defining the interface for the RDBMS drivers and deciding what new drivers must support vs. what they may optionally support. The XML driver is relatively complete, as is the DTD, although both will be further developed as new requirements are revealed during the development of other drivers.

You can visit our project information page on SourceForge's web site at http://sourceforge.net/project/?form_grp=864

If you are interested in becoming involved in a utility that seems quite obvious in nature, but which is currently being ignored by the rest of the industry for some odd reason, please contact jtillman@users.sourceforge.net.